Friday, April 24, 2009

Add A Crow Call To Your Arsenal

A new subscriber here named John brought to my attention the use of a crow call along with distress calls when he's out calling coyotes. I used to do this dog gone it, but forgot all about it in my recent years of experimenting with different calling techniques. Thanks for reminding me John!

I'm gonna share with you John's e-mail on how he has used his crow call successfully. Here it is:

"Kevin, Here is how I use the crow call with coyotes. I first use the distress rabbit for a minute or so, then I play the crow call ( a few crows ) then real quick play the distress rabbit, wait about 10 seconds and play the crow call again for about 3 minutes. The way I see it, the coyote thinks a rabbit is hurt and the crow have spotted it and are getting ready to have a easy lunch. The coyotes then move in for the easy kill. The first time I tried it, I called in a pair of males. Using a .308 ( 25 round magazine ) I took both. One sitting about 60 yards and the other ( full run - 3 shots.......they are hard to hit running, but very fun ) The running shot was about 150 yards. Any new ideas from you or the post would be great to hear."

Nice shooting John and thanks for the great info!

I want to tell everyone here that shooting a coyote standing still is the best. But I'm also gonna tell you that just like John I'm not going to pass up a running shot if I know I can cleanly kill a coyote.

I'm also going to tell you that I am a very good shot. I'm not bragging here. I practice all the time and I think any serious hunter should too.

Moral of the story...practice yourself and know your abilities and limits.

One more's a good story I promise!

I learned to hit moving targets with my rifle a long time ago when my wife was still a good sport about going hunting with me (just kidding hunny).

I would get me some old tires and wire plywood to the inside of them. Then my loving and supportive new bride (26 years ago) would roll those suckers down a slight hill for me while I practiced shooting them on the move. It was a blast and I learned a ton about leading and hitting a target on the move.

I know you're thinking "what a hillbilly". Guess you may be right, but I can pretty much smoke a coyote running inside a hundred yards and further if I can make a safe shot.

Thanks for reading and good luck!

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