Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Here's A Couple "Kick Butt" Coyote Calling Tips

First Coyote Calling Tip today is to have 2 people calling at the same time. Especially if your using any type of Howler Call and doing some Ki Yi's in your calling set.

This gives the impression that there is more than one coyote and brings in any curios Coy Dog just a screamin!

Second Coyote Calling Tip today is to make certain you can see your down wind side when you are calling. I can GUARANTEE you that any coyote coming to your call is going to try to get down wind of where the sound of the call is coming from.

There you have it...still the best way to learn to call coyotes is just to get out there and do it yourself.

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Coyote Calling Tips From Ezine